Introduction to Relational Awakening
Online Course
Waking up is the process of discovering that you are not your mind–that there is something beyond your mind. Something vast, alive, and aware–connected to everyone and everything
Psychedelics often give us access to this level of mind. But what if you could access it without taking anything.
Join us for this six-week practicum and find out!
Working with Paige isn’t conceptual or intellectual—it’s experiential. Together we will:
Learn how to shift from the ordinary level of mind into the field of shared consciousness
Discover how to create safety in your system and a secure attachment to the field
Explore different doorways into the field and the energetic signatures of other group members
Track subtle—and sometimes not so subtle—energies in your body and the bodies of others
Amplify the energy of the field for the sake of collective healing and awakening
We hope you’ll join us!
6-week online course
20 people max
Meets once a week for 90-minutes
Includes weekly practice sessions with a partner from the group
Session recordings will be available
Price: $497
Start Date: TBA
End Date: TBA
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